The Connor Saunders Foundation The Connor Saunders Foundation Logo Connor Saunders. 5 is alive. 07377721576

Another life saved…because of Connor

How do you feel when you receive an email from the Deputy Head of Woodingdean Primary letting you know, how one year 5 boy saved a life because of the workshop he attended?

We are totally overwhelmed and extraordinarily proud here at CSF HQ of the student in question.  Well done for listening, well done for acting and well done for being so brave yourself in using your hands to help.  We couldn’t be prouder of you and of Connor.

We will forever believe in the work we do for Connor. Thanks again to Rockinghorse Children’s Charity for their continued love and support.

Giving isn’t just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference. Is your school heart safe? Could your school benefit in our first aid workshops? Our anti-violence talk?

Our peaceful message, hands are for helping not hurting. For Love, for Life, for Connor